Mommy fed me with some sweet-smelling medicine from the syringe. Oh how I hated that!!! I tried telling her that I don't want to drink any medicine, however she just didn't understand!!! She just wouldn't leave me alone!! She would ask daddy to hold me so tight until I couldn't even move. She then would force-open my mouth using her left hand, and put the syringe into my mouth using her right hand. No matter how hard I've screamed and choked, she still pressed the syringe and ensured that the medicine got down my throat :-(( I really hated that. For those few weeks, I didn't want to friend mommy.
Gong2 and Po2 came to visit me that week too. As you could see from the picture, we were happily reading the Barney book, also sat around to catch up with each other (I didn't go to their house when I was sick). Jaden Kor2 and Apphia Jie2 both came and visited me too. I was so happy when I saw them, I nearly forgot that I was sick!!
Thank God I'm well and fine now. Gone were the medicine days... *phew*...

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